Supplies Needed
Disposable Diapers
Prepared formula or breast milk in bottles
We will not heat bottles that have a plastic liner bag
1 box of tissues
1 roll of Bounty paper towels
2 changes of clothing (complete outfits)
A family picture (The state of KY requires us to have a family wall)
Current immunization form
1 box of tissues
1 roll of Bounty paper towels
2 changes of clothing (complete outfits) in a Ziploc bag
Sunscreen in summer months
Blanket and fitted crib sheet
A family picture (The state of KY requires us to have a family wall)
Current immunization form
Ziploc bag for nap items
1 box of tissues
1 change of clothing (complete outfits) in a Ziploc bag
Sunscreen in summer months
A family picture (The state of KY requires us to have a family wall)
Current immunization form
Ziploc bag for nap items
Blanket and fitted crib sheet
Disposable Diapers
1 box of tissues
1 roll of Bounty paper towels
2 changes of clothing (complete outfits) in a Ziploc bag
Sunscreen in summer months
Blanket and fitted crib sheet
A family picture (The state of KY requires us to have a family wall)
Current immunization form
Ziploc bag for nap items
Disposable Diapers
1 box of tissues
1 roll of Bounty paper towels
2 changes of clothing (complete outfits)
A family picture (The state of KY requires us to have a family wall)
Current immunization form
School Age
Disposable Diapers
Prepared formula or breast milk in bottles
We will not heat bottles that have a plastic liner bag
1 box of tissues
1 roll of Bounty paper towels
2 changes of clothing (complete outfits)
A family picture (The state of KY requires us to have a family wall)
Current immunization form